Ilya Katulin
Web Developer
i l y a _ k a t u l i n


I am Ilya Katulin, front-end web developer.

Feel free to check the projects down below, or download my resume and connect up above.

Face Finder

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Detect a face in any image on the web!
My main expertise is front-end web development, yet I like to experiment, pushing myself into exciting new directions. This time I went full-stack!
I've created a face-detecting app using third-party face recognition API, secure login/password authentication, and user database running on the server.
GitHub Pages would not handle such 'back-end heavy' webapp, so I learned how to deploy the project on Heroku.
React.js Node.js API PostgreS JSON
Robo Friends

↑ click here for screenshots ↑

Get to know a bunch of funny robots!
One of my first React.js projects, a simple responsive catalogue of robots.
I found avatar-generating API, and name-generating API, combined them together to create a grid of funny characters, and implemented instant search functionality to quickly find your favorite robots.
This is a very simple project, however in order to deploy it to GitHub I've had to set up a React build delivery pipeline.
React.js JavaScript API JSON
ACIE 10th Anniversary

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One of my very first web projects!
American Councils for International Exchange (ACIE) is a global organization, that helps exchange students from all over the world take part in US International Exchange programs.
This website was the very first regional ACIE online presence in Southern Russia (Volga region), and featured letters from International Exchange alumni in Russia to their host families, along with regular updates on alumni activities.
Although this website is over 15 years old, it is still looking fine in all browsers including mobile!
Albatross Theatre

↑ click here for screenshots ↑

Redesigned and built from ground up, this website increased theatre ticket sales and revenue over four times during the first three years after it launched in 2006. Audience recognition and attendence also saw an increase, about two times over just two years.
This project was also one of the longest in the run, it continued for 7 years, constantly updating and upgrading.
My Portfolio

no screenshots here, just browse the site!

Hey, this is the page you're at!
That's right, this is too one of the projects I am very much proud of, and it is also my most recent!
Designed and built in a span of just two weeks, it looks great on mobile screens as well as on the desktop (just resize your browser window to see the responisive design in action).
I hope you enjoy it, and if you'd like to see more of my projects, head over to my GitHub page!
HTML CSS JavaScript